
Alf goes acoustic - Akustik-Gitarre Solo auf einem Doppelalbum!
Mit "EarthMusic" zu den Roots, auf der Gitarre unterwegs zu neuen uralten ureigenen Klängen. Mit "SummerSongs" relaxed im Süden.
Die Welt auf sechs Saiten - zwischen Mystik und Samba, zwischen Portugal und Tuva, zwischen Tradition und Intuition spannt sich ein Bogen, gebaut aus Wasser, Erde, Salz und Licht.

“Earth Song” is acoustic guitar music. It consists of two parts and is actually a double album on just one disc.
I feel music as a part of life, it grows slowly like a tree, arises furiously like thunderstorm, floats like ocean waves. “Earth Music” and “Summer Songs” are related to each other like left and right hand, holding the music like a crystal ball which might reveal the music of our ancestors, the voices of nature and among all of this my own spirit.
I hope to share with you the experience of being absorbed in this music as I feel while playing and listening to it. Let your ears be the guide to your imagination.Alf Schmieder, April 2007

„Earth Music“ is the heart beat of our planet, the planet of sound. It can hit the strings everywhere and at any time I realised a couple of years ago when the wind was singing on my guitar somewhere in the south of Spain. “Earth Music” is inspired by traditional music from different parts of the world. This adventure has become a trip “Forward to the roots”, the roots of different cultures and to the past of “Earth music”.
I dedicate this album to my father and all musicians who keep an ear to our world.

“Summer Songs” are little boats on the waves of imagination. The songs I put on this record came to my mind after quite a lot of summer trips to Portugal, Spain and other places in Europe. To me they are as simple as life can be - sometimes.
A bright blue, a deep red sky, sparkling fountains in the crystal rays of sunlight – there is a plenty of light but also shade in these songs.
This album I dedicate to the waves of Cabo Carvoeiro and my Love.

Alf Schmieder - Gitarren
©alfonium records mai 2007


1 — Alcázar Moura
2 — Meada Stone Dance - The Circle, Star Light Elves, Juggler Dance, The Circle
3 — Gitano
4 — Magic Eyes
5 — Zafra Zambra
6 — Medieval Marvão (502KB) - Early Morning, The Market, Fire Dancers
7 — Of Eagles, Dust and Ghosts (595KB)
8 — Las Cuevas
9 — Camboio Loco  (556KB)
10 - Coyote Desert Raga

11 - Galao da Lua  (386KB) 
12 - Touch the Wind
13 - Sambazucar
14 - Ride Out
15 - Caparica Chica  (416KB)  
16 - Cabo Vicente  (620KB)
17 - Silent Life  (923KB)
18 - Blueberry Hills
19 - Ilha do Sol
20 - Song 1